Wednesday, August 4, 2021



Hi everyone,

Hope that while reading this, you and your family are safe and sound during this pandemic situation.

As I am working in the healthcare sector and pharmaceutical industry (biologics and vaccines) for the past few years and having handled clinical trials regarding biologics and vaccine myself, I have been coming across lots of myths/rumors around the vaccines, clinical trials etc. But due to the current pandemic, the myths have taken new turn.

 India is a multicultural, multi-religion land having people from all the walks of life with different kind of mindset. 😊

 It is because of the vast diversity amongst our countrymen that you can hear all sort of myths regarding the COVID Vaccines, be it gender related (vaccine leads to sterilization in females), religion related (COVID won’t happen to a particular religion or people of this religion will be more affected) or science related (this brand of vaccine is more effective as compared to the other one)..... Well as a researcher I know all this is just crap...πŸ‘©

 I recently saw in some news channel that when the healthcare workers reached a village to vaccinate them, people ran away (don’t remember the name of the channel or village). It was quite painful to see that they are ready to die with COVID but don’t wanna get vaccinated.

One more incident: This week when I went to buy groceries, I saw many young educated guys and girls not wearing masks gathering together and celebrating, having laughs. On the other hand, a vegetable vendor was urging to people to wear mask and asked them for social distancing. Few people think that we won’t have COVID because we don’t eat fast-food (yes.. another myth) etc.

I have seen numerous such incidents since the COVID pandemic started. List is quite large to be captured here.. I am sure you all must have seen yourselves.

It is at times like these that I feel we have failed. I being in the pharmaceutical industry know that we are working very hard to make and supply the vaccines to community and incidents such as these make me think we have wasted our efforts. The Govt. of India is really trying hard to get our country 100% vaccinated  and bring back everything to normal but this can’t be achieved without the support of all of us.

We all can do our best to try and educate people like these the importance of vaccine and drive away fears related to it. COVID will not discriminate between us.. it will affect each gender, each religion each country, each age in a similar manner.

 Our only weapon to combat the virus is #GETTING VACCINATED.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Image result for diys for skin

Hii peeps!!πŸ‘€
Daag achhe hain!!😊 Seen that ad with a cute boy helping his dadi to find a 10 rupee note. Well, daag to achhe hain … but not on the face😍
πŸ˜›Everyone wants to have a clear and flawless skin whatsoever the complexion is. People try creams and ointments and spend quite a huge chunk of money on testing them. They might provide a quick and visible result but the result is not sustainable. Plus if we use them on a regular basis, it exposes our skin to a lot of harmful chemicals which serve as a bane in the long term. Eg. Mometasone and tretinoin present in most of the scar removal creams can cause serious harmful effects if used for long periods.
So, instead of spending on more than half of your pocket money on themπŸ€”πŸ€” ,,,why not go to kitchen and search for some priceless ingredients which will be a boon for getting a flawless and glowing skin (beware of your mother working in the kitchen… mine scolded me when I disturbed her in cooking)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Here I am listing some of the DIYs that I have been using since years and some of them are dadi k nuskhe (this is the time I realized that whatever our dadis used to say was right…have a look at ur dadi ki clear skin even at such an old age)😚
1.     1. Turmeric and besan (chickpea flour) paste.
Make a thick paste of both and apply on face and let is dry for 15 minutes and wash is off with lukewarm water. Use this whenever you come from outside. It acts as a great cleanser. No need to use a facewash after this. You will see visible result within 15 days.

2.       2. Aloe Vera
Let me tell you that it is the most wonderful plant for skin….. no extra efforts…. Just apply a thick coat on skin like a mask and leave it for 1 hour. Then again wash it off…. But you need a lot of patience since it takes time,,, rest assured the results are permanent.

3.       3. Honey & lemon
Mix a teaspoonful of honey with few drops of lemon and apply for 15 mins and wash off with warm water.

Have a wonderfull day and be flawless...!!!!!1

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Image result for tan removal

Hi everyone,

While avoiding a tan is impossible owing to our hot summers, removing one isn’t. And you don't need to spend a lot of money to buy expensive cosmetics to remove tan. You just need to get up and go to the kitchen πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

I have put together the best tan removal home remedies that will surely help you get rid of that nasty tan. These easy breezy tips have do not need a lot of effort πŸ‘§.
Let's check out the tipsπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

1. Lemon Juice, Cucumber, And Rose Water:
  Mix all the ingredients and apply of the affected area for 10-12 minutes and wash off. Use this regularly. The lemon juice will work to remove the tan while the cucumber juice and rose water will soothe burnt and blemished skin.

2. Yogurt And Tomato Pack
 Mix plain yoghurt alongwith tomato pulp. And apply this paste on your face regularly. Let it dry for 30 minutes. Cleanse with water. Repeat this process twice or thrice a week to see awesome results.

3. Lemon Juice And Potato
 Extract the juice of the potato and mix it with freshly extracted lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your face. Leave it on for half an hour. Wash it off with cold water and pat dry. Loaded with fibers, vital vitamins, and minerals, potato juice helps treat both blemishes and sunburn naturally

 4.  Milk And Turmeric
 In a glass bowl, combine a pinch of turmeric powder and milk. Apply this solution on your face and let it dry. Rinse with lukewarm water.

5. Aloe Vera
 This being the best and the easiest one. Take any aloevera gel from any good brand and apply it on tanned areas and leave it overnight. You will see magical results in few days Aloe vera is a great cooling and refreshing agent. It has moisturizing properties as well.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

#my first post#

Hello everyone! My name is Manisha and this is my first blog ever. 
This blog has been made to share some of my DIYs, lifestyle tips and others simple tricks which would be beneficial for you people also. So, keep looking forward for this space. 
BBye :-)


  Hi everyone, Hope that while reading this, you and your family are safe and sound during this pandemic situation. As I am working in...