Friday, September 13, 2019

Image result for diys for skin

Hii peeps!!πŸ‘€
Daag achhe hain!!😊 Seen that ad with a cute boy helping his dadi to find a 10 rupee note. Well, daag to achhe hain … but not on the face😍
πŸ˜›Everyone wants to have a clear and flawless skin whatsoever the complexion is. People try creams and ointments and spend quite a huge chunk of money on testing them. They might provide a quick and visible result but the result is not sustainable. Plus if we use them on a regular basis, it exposes our skin to a lot of harmful chemicals which serve as a bane in the long term. Eg. Mometasone and tretinoin present in most of the scar removal creams can cause serious harmful effects if used for long periods.
So, instead of spending on more than half of your pocket money on themπŸ€”πŸ€” ,,,why not go to kitchen and search for some priceless ingredients which will be a boon for getting a flawless and glowing skin (beware of your mother working in the kitchen… mine scolded me when I disturbed her in cooking)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Here I am listing some of the DIYs that I have been using since years and some of them are dadi k nuskhe (this is the time I realized that whatever our dadis used to say was right…have a look at ur dadi ki clear skin even at such an old age)😚
1.     1. Turmeric and besan (chickpea flour) paste.
Make a thick paste of both and apply on face and let is dry for 15 minutes and wash is off with lukewarm water. Use this whenever you come from outside. It acts as a great cleanser. No need to use a facewash after this. You will see visible result within 15 days.

2.       2. Aloe Vera
Let me tell you that it is the most wonderful plant for skin….. no extra efforts…. Just apply a thick coat on skin like a mask and leave it for 1 hour. Then again wash it off…. But you need a lot of patience since it takes time,,, rest assured the results are permanent.

3.       3. Honey & lemon
Mix a teaspoonful of honey with few drops of lemon and apply for 15 mins and wash off with warm water.

Have a wonderfull day and be flawless...!!!!!1


  Hi everyone, Hope that while reading this, you and your family are safe and sound during this pandemic situation. As I am working in...